Cedar Crest will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before receiving any children.


Each child will be screened at the door , details will be entered into our SAFE app. We require a parent to be present to answer all and any other screening questions.

Children with underlying health conditions that may place the child at risk as defined by the Department of Health are:

  • Chronic severe respiratory tract disease (cystic fibrosis/ genetic conditions/ chronic
    lung disease)
  • Congenital cardiac disease.
  • Severe immunodeficiency (HIV/ Malignancy/ TB/severe neurodevelopmental disability)
    Well- controlled asthma and Allergic rhinitis in children is NOT considered a risk factor based
    on current literature. If a child has any of the above serious underlying conditions they must be cleared by a medical practitioner to return to school. In such cases, the school will need written authorisation from
    your child’s doctor.


  • All staff will be issued with washable masks (2 for travelling and 2 for wearing at school). These must be changed daily and washed daily to keep them sanitised.
  • Staff traveling with public transport will bring along a change of clothing. On arrival at school, they will change into a fresh, clean set of clothing. Their shoes will also be changed. Clothes and shoes which are removed will be placed in a plastic bag in their lockers.
  • Staff handbags will be sanitised on entering the school and kept in the staff lockers.
  • Staff will wash their hands carefully for 30 seconds on arrival and regularly during the day. After tea and lunch breaks, after going to the toilet etc. In between hand washing, hand sanitiser will be used in the class and when the staff leave or enter the class.
  • Once the staff start work in the mornings, the locker room will be carefully sanitised. All
    surfaces will be cleaned including door handles, fridge door, taps, lockers, etc.
  • Staff will adhere to strict social distancing rules, no touching or hugging is permitted between staff members.
  • The school is defogged every 28 days. The defogging is effective for 30 days. Regular cleaning of all surfaces will take place daily, in between treatments.
  • Staff will take tea times and lunch times in their classrooms.
  • Staff meetings will be held when necessary. The staff will be split and two meetings will be held to facilitate social distancing, chairs will be placed 1.5 m apart.


  • On arrival at school every child will go through a screening and their temperature will be taken and information recorded. The temperature of the parent dropping the child will also be taken. No child is allowed to walk in alone, as parents need to answer screening questions on behalf of the child.
  • Screening will take place in the front entrance way, before entering the school. On rainy days the screening station will be in the library. Any child who answers yes to any screening questions or registers a temperature of 37.5% and higher will not be allowed into the school. Children’s temperatures will be taken at midday and again on departure.
  • Parents, guardians and lift clubs will not be allowed into the school. The only exception will be for a child who is new to the school. One parent may accompany the child in for the first 3 days, that parent will be screened and the temperature will be taken and recorded. The parent must wear a mask covering mouth and nose and sanitise their hands.
  • After the screening process, the children can sanitize their hands using the ZOONO station.
  • The children will hang their bags and remove their lunch bags and take it into the class. Teachers will assist the smaller children.
  • The teacher will spray the lunch bag with sanitiser and place it in the pigeon hole.
  • The children will be taken to the bathroom to have their hands washed with soap and water for 30 seconds. Teachers will teach them a fun hand-washing song.
  • Hand washing will be done on arrival and before and after meal times and play times. Hand sanitiser will be used in-between, in each classroom.
  • Children under 6 years old are not required to wear a mask inside the school. They must travel to and from school with a mask or use the hat with a shield. This will be properly removed by the teacher and stored in the pigeon hole for when the child goes home. Masks and shields must be cleaned every day. The school will keep spare disposable masks in stock in case a child does not have one, this will be billed to your account at R20 each. Every child must leave the school protected.
  • Children will be spaced 1 m apart at snack and lunch times, to avoid the sharing of food. Teachers will monitor meal times very closely.
  • For the children who sleep, bedding will be stored in their bedding bags in the cupboard. This will be sent home weekly to be washed.
  • Mattresses will be placed 1 m apart and children will sleep head to toe. Mattresses will be sanitised each day.
  • Toys and equipment are treated with Zoono antimictrobial monthly and washed with soap and water in between.
  • Children will be brought to the front of the school to be handed over to the parent at 12h30 and 14h30 collection times. From 14h30 to 18h00, parents may ring the bell and wait inside the gate at the front entrance. Your child will be brought to you.


  • Our regular meticulous cleaning schedule will be extended and intensified to make sure that no corner of the school can harbour germs of any kind. Hot spots will be sanitised regularly.
  • There will be sanitiser in every classroom, bathroom and in other strategic places throughout the school. Staff will be encouraged to use this liberally.
  • Soap will be readily available in all bathrooms.
  • ZOONO antimicrobial spray is used to clean all equipment, plates and cutlery.
  • Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the school will be conducted every day.
  • Health and safety child education will be ongoing.
  • Play area equipment will be sanitised after use. The sand pit is cleaned weekly with a prescribed sandpit sanitiser.
  • Toys will be rotated and sterilised daily.
  • All groceries or packages coming on to the property will be sanitised/washed before being stored.
  • Suppliers will remain off the property. Goods will be dropped at the front entrance way.


There will be a zero-tolerance policy for any child, parent, guardian, or staff member found to
have an elevated temperature (37.5% or higher), a cough, snotty nose or a sore throat.
Allergies/sinus cannot be used as an excuse. Such persons will not be permitted access to the
school property and must immediately return home, to self-isolate away from the school.
Should the temperature persist and other covid-19 symptoms present, parents must contact a
testing centre, hospital, medical facility. The Covid-19 hotline number is 0800 029 999. It is the
parent/guardian’s responsibility to find alternative care for the child while they cannot be at

  • If a child is displaying Covid-19 symptoms, the child and any siblings will be expected to stay home until the threat has passed. A child may only return to school after going 3 days (72 hours) without fever and medication.
  • Children or staff who may have been exposed to a confirmed case of Covid-19 or are showing symptoms of Covid-19 are required to quarantine in their homes for 14 days while being monitored for symptoms.
  • A sick bay/ quarantine area will be set up and designated for children who show any symptoms of being ill. The Covid-19 officer will supervise the child in the sick bay (both will wear masks) until the parent collects. The sick bay will then be fully sanitised. Any staff member showing symptoms will immediately be sent home.
  • If a child or staff member shows symptoms and is tested for Covid-19, the test outcomes/results must be shared with the school immediately, allowing us to plan and inform other parents accordingly.The child may only return to school after the 2 weeks of quarantine and if they have not had a raised temperature for 72 hours and they are symptom free. A letter from their doctor stating that they have fully recovered and subsequently tested negative for Covid -19 must be presented before they can return.
  • In the event of a positive Covid-19 case, Cedar Crest will be closed for 24 hours while we do a deep clean and defogging of the whole school.
  • The windows will be kept open even in cold weather. Parents are requested to ensure that children are dressed according to the weather and make sure extra warm clothes including jacket and beanie are sent to school every day.
  • Access to the outdoor play areas will be staggered.
  • Children will be reminded to cough into their bent elbow, hands will be washed and sanitised after a sneeze or cough, and if needed, the child be removed from the group and monitored for symptoms.
  • Parents are required to explain to children the concept of not touching their eyes, noses, and mouths. We will reinforce this at school.
  • Emergency contact details of every child will be updated. Parents are asked to please answer their phones if we call, as it may be an emergency.